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Cookie statement


In this Cookie statement, we inform You about the technologies used in this website, which help ensure the proper functioning of the website, or monitor and analyse the behaviour of visitors of the website during their browsing sessions.


A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to your web browser when you visit it and stores it on the device that you are using. For this reason, the site may „remember” your actions and options (such as registration name, language, font size, and other display options) for a certain period of time so that you do not have to re-enter them each time you visit the site.

The websites use own and/or third party cookies. According to the function they perform, cookies are classified to:

  • Required cookies. These cookies activate the basic browsing or access functions of the website. Without these cookies, the website will not work properly.
  • Functional or technical cookies. With these cookies, the website remembers information about its functioning and appearance, e.g., the visitor‘s chosen language or region.
  • Statistical or analytic cookies that collect anonymous information aggregated into reports that allow the website owner to understand how visitors use the website.
  • Marketing or advertising cookies. They are used to track visitors on many websites in order to serve ads that are tailored to them. They also limit the number of ads displayed and help evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They are mostly cookies of third-party advertisers.

Cookies are divided into session and persistent cookies according to their validity period.

In terms of the location of their creation, there are two types of cookies:

  • First-party or own cookies are created on the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are created by other websites. Certain content displayed in your visited website, e.g., adverts or pictures, belongs to these websites.

Trackers and digital fingerprinting are more complex technologies, which operate without cookies (files planted in the user‘s device). For example, when tracking pixels/tags are used in the webpage, each time the user accesses a certain part of the webpage, a “picture” the size of 1 pixel is loaded – that way the server learns that a particular user with a particular IP address was in that part of the webpage, and this information is saved in the server. If the user does not consent to the collection of personal data, such elements of the webpage are disabled immediately. Digital fingerprinting is particularly precise, generated according to the user‘s smart device, and unique IDs allow to identify that the same user is visiting the webpage.

Web beacons, uXDT, or Ultrasonic tracking technology operate in a way that, while visiting the website, the computer generates an ultrasound signal inaudible for people, but received by other smart devices, in which a certain app is operating at that time. To use this technology, it is necessary to assess its effect on personal data protection.


We use cookies so that:

  • the website could recognize you and remember your settings and preferences;
  • by analysing your actions on the website, we could constantly improve its performance.

We do not use cookies to identify You. The cookies on our website are not used for any purpose other than those described here.


We use the following cookies on the website:

Title COOKIE CATEGORY Description Validity
catAccCookies Functional cookie The cookie responsible for storing user preferences of cookie notification bar 1 months
_ga Analytic cookie Google Analytics cookies for identifying users. 2 years
_gid Analytic cookie Google Analytics cookies for identifying users. 1 day
 CONSENT Marketing cookie Cookie used to collect a profile on the user‘s actions. 17 years
NID Functional cookie Cookie ensuring proper functioning of a Google Maps plug-in in the website 6 months
_ _gat_gtag_UA_175803065_1 Required cookie Cookie used to restrict the number of requests. Until the closing of the webpage



We constantly use Google Analytics analysing software from Google LLC in order to optimize marketing notifications. It allows tracking behaviour online: time spent on the website, geographical location, and use of the Internet website. This information is collected using tracking pixels and (or) cookies. Information acquired through tracking pixels and (or) cookies is anonymous and not linked to personal data. Google processes personal information in its servers in various countries. Personal information may be processed in a server which is not in the user‘s resident country. We do not share this information with any third parties which would have free access to it. If you do no consent to analysis, you can submit your dissent to the processing of Your data here:

Because this website has relations to third-party communication channels Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, and Youtube, onto which we upload information about the Company‘s activity, the cookies of these data processers allow us to receive summarized statistical data and insights into how visitors interact with our posts, adverts, this website, video recordings, and other content on these social media platforms.

Aiming to provide our website‘s visitors with an opportunity to contact us as operatively as possible, we have installed a plug-in by Facebook’s Messenger.

You can find out more about the monitoring technology of third-party used in our website here:

Cookie identifier Description Creating point Term of validity
User monitoring technologies used by Facebook and Messenger Facebook visitor and Messenger user monitoring technologies are used to identify the visitor, monitor his / her behaviour and improve the content. During the visit More information on Facebook and Facebook Messenger cookies:
Visitor monitoring technologies used by Linkedin LinkedIn’s visitor tracking technologies are used to identify the visitor, ensure the security of his/her account, monitor his/her behaviour and deliver customized content, including advertisements. During the visit More information on Linkedin cookies:



In order for the website to function properly, you do not have to accept all the cookies used here but doing so will make browsing easier for you. You can block all but the necessary cookies, however, some features of this website may not work as intended and you may need to reset some preferences each time you visit our website.

Most browsers allow you to:

  • —check what cookies are stored and to delete cookies one by one;
  • —block all third-party cookies;
  • —block cookies from specific websites;
  • —block all cookies on the website;
  • —delete all cookie preferences when closing the browser.


You can reject cookies by resetting your cookie settings on the homepage of our website

The standard settings on any browser allow changing cookie settings.  These settings are usually found in Settings, Internet Options, etc. menu of your browser:

If you do not agree to the placement of cookies on your computer or other device, you can revoke your consent to use them at any time by changing the settings and deleting the stored cookies. If you choose to delete your cookies, please keep in mind that all your customised preferences will be removed as well. In addition, many websites, including our website, will not function properly if cookies are completely blocked.  For these reasons, we do not recommend disabling cookies when you use our website.

You should note that, for the website to function properly, “Required cookies” are needed, these cookies cannot be disabled.


We regularly review the cookies used on the website and, if necessary, notify you of any material changes to the visitor tracking technology used here by updating this Cookie Statement.

The latest revision of this statement was made on 31.05.2021.